Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Library Goers: Second Floor

The second floor of the Harold B. Lee Library is home to the Periodicals Section. The only difference between Periodicals and the Cannon Center is that you don't need your Dining Plus card to get in. Every table is chock-full of freshmen engaged in freshman activities, such as:

-taking pictures of themselves and/or all of their friends on Photo Booth on their shiny, brand new Macbook

-feverishly copying their roommate's Book of Mormon notes minutes before the midterm

-trying desperately to think of the perfect iTunes library name for the shared network...maybe this was just me. The best ones I've ever either been told about or seen for myself were "I'm easy" (followed by a phone number) and "iPood".

-fake-studying while actually trying to catch the eye of the King of Helaman Halls, who only studies in Periodicals--except for those few occasions when he can be spotted in the No Shh Zone

DISCLAIMER: As a freshman, thanks to the Periodicals' social scene, I made a lot of my friends...so freshmen, just accept that you have these cultural obligations and give in to them. Also take an upperclassman out to a Dining Plus-paid lunch.


  1. Haha oh periodicals. So frivolous, yet so necessary. Those were the days of open majors and paninis from the Tanner. Can we figure out a way to bully freshmen out of their dining plus? Maybe we could be the Ponyboy of the JKB (where everyone knows the best vending machines are).

  2. So, maybe you're used to this... and even though I feel like a creepy blog-stalker... I just have to tell you that I LOVE this blog.

    I commend you both. I would give you an award if I had one to give.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to indulge my cynical side with a little bit of laughter. Keep it up!
