Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Karma Chameleon

The Karma Chameleon* is always ALWAYS seen at any given dance party. It may take you a second to place him, but it's not because he's a No Face**--on the contrary, the KC is typically pretty hot. It's just that he's usually wearing some sort of cloaking agent, such as giant aviators or a fake Burt Reynolds mustache. The theme of the party doesn't matter; he is always dressed to nines in a costume so thorough he could have conceivably paid for it to be custom made--but he didn't! He went to DI the day of the party and somehow left that glorious institution with JNCO pants for the '90s party, a neon spandex onesie for the Neon dance, and a Members Only jacket for the '80s party.

This is the most fun-looking person you will ever see in your entire Provo career--colorful, hot, dancin' crazy, always surrounded by members of his entourage...but beware: he is either a 28-year-old who still has Undecided as his major or a freshman waiting for his mission call.

*name chosen because it sounds colorful and has retro, '80s connotations
**A No Face, by definition, is a person who looks different and unrecognizable every time you see him or her, kind of like Jerry's girlfriend who looks totally different in certain lighting in that episode of "Seinfeld". He/she could be perfectly attractive, just lacking in any definitive features. Trust me--it is a real affliction.


  1. The No Face definition is spot on, and DI should be happy that your blog now contains the best advertisement they may ever have. Even "the pensieve" is pro DI, they got so lucky.

  2. funniest blog ever. seriously sitting in the wilk at the cougareat laughing hysterically. sooo true!! all of it. person fav. periodicals & the piano man. where have you been all my life??

  3. Hahaha! Oh this rings true of King Henry so much! Plus the name is absolutely brilliant! And could also be converted to a soft-core swear.

  4. this blog is amazing... :)
