Friday, March 26, 2010

The Point Mongerer

You've just blasted through a test that consisted of a painful mix of regurgitation of information and BS-ing*. It's one of the few times you didn't have to trek all the way to the Testing Center just to feel bad about yourself, so all you want to do is get out and watch a reality show on CMT to remind yourself that you're lucky to be literate.

The last thing you want to do is spend one more second agonizing over question 67 and whether you should have chosen "all of the above excepting b, d, and f" or "none of the above excepting a, c, and e". But, your professor wants you to learn from your errors by catching them yourself (which means he/she really wants to go home and watch CMT too). So you're stuck. But grading is easier than actually test-taking right? This should be painless. Plus, you're sure you got 67 right.

Cue the Point Mongerer

This person has not let one point slip through their writer's bump-ridden fingers since the PKU test tak as a newborn and is not going to start now. As soon as the professor gets to one of those "choose the best answer" questions the PMer has his/her teeth gnashed and is willing to rip away every lost point from the professor. They're like a vulture working on day-old roadkill, but more disgusting.

The PMer will also come under the facade of showing how righteous they are by asking questions like "Do I still get it right if I didn't dot the i with a perfect circle?" or "Would Heavenly Father give me the points if my pencil went out of the scantron circle?"

By the time the PMer has sucked the soul out of your professor and everyone else involved, you've missed My Big Redneck Wedding. And you got 67 wrong.

*By the Spirit-ing. Of course.


  1. Hahaha that kid in the redneck picture! Pray that my future offspring won't be cursed with stank faces like that.

    And NOTHING is worse than the Point Mongerer. They're never as endearing as Hermione Granger makes them seem.

  2. i randomly found your blog & youre honestly the funniest girls ever.
    plus these are all 100% true..once you finish the millions of weirdos on byu campus..get some feedback from uvu-ers.
    and once you do, you'll have to give your blog a rating.

  3. I was just telling Jordyn the other day that I have a really strange urge to punch someone in the face at least once in my life. With your help I just decided that to optimize the satisfaction of that punch, especially since I may only have one in my whole life, the person I choose to punch should be a point mongerer.
