Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Waldo

This person first comes on your radar because of one defining feature that makes them pop out from the rest of the herd on campus. This defining feature can be anything from an attention grabbing hairstyle to a rather unforgiving facial feature. But the Waldo can also just be an extreme example of how hot Mormons really are—a personal favorite.

After the Waldo has caught your eye, BYU’s campus shrinks from 40,000 (?) to that of a small-town high school, in that you can’t go anywhere without seeing the Waldo. Suddenly you are on the same cross-campus-walk-schedule as they are, and you can spot them faster than any red and white striped turtleneck (no matter how cute Waldo's little red beanie is). And when you’re using Photo Booth to make sure you don’t have keyboard marks all over your face after your supra-laptop nap, the Waldo will somehow pop into the back of your frame like big foot in camping pictures.

If the Waldo is of the hot variety, you’re always sure to spot him/her at your most attractive moments, i.e. with Taco Bell dripping down your chin, or just after you’ve taken a nasty slip on the ice that makes everyone around you look at you with what they think is sympathy, but comes across as ridicule.

If by chance you end up interacting with the Waldo for realzies, they are almost never the same person you’d envisioned them to be (i.e. they actually have a voice, and if they are of the hot variety they’re not that interested in being the father/mother of your unborn children). This personality swap usually leaves you feeling like the heroine from a 1960’s drama where someone yells “it’s like I don’t even know you anymore!”


  1. Okay, so my Waldo is totally Drink Starer. I see her in the gym. I see her in the Wilk. I see her standing in my room when I wake up in the middle of the night. (Two truths and a lie!)

    She's still TERRIFYING

  2. I definitely had one of these when I went to BYU, and I never met him, never talked to him, but seriously saw him everywhere.

  3. i had a waldo all semester and he was HOT. about 50 mutual friends and we would have eye sex daily. library 5th floor, the gym, any social event waldo was ALWAYS there. then we were awkwardly introduced and all fun went from my life. waldo was worthless.
